Ride For Duart Castle Donor Recognition
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All donations are important to restoring the Castle and there is special recognition for those donors who contribute at specific levels in GBP as outlined below.
Multiple donations made over time are aggregated for the purposes of determining donor levels and associated benefits.
Guardians: Donors who contribute £200 and above will receive a unique Duart Castle Guardian badge (pin) and certificate
Life Guardians: Donors who contribute £1,000 and above will receive a Duart Castle Guardian badge, certificate, signed photograph
of the Chief standing in front of the Castle and be granted lifetime access free of charge to the public areas of the Castle during opening hours.
Patrons: Donors who contribute £5,000and above will receive all of the recognition of Life Guardians and a Clan Maclean Crest.
Chief's Circle: Donors who contribute £25,000 and above will receive all of the recognition of Life Guardians and an engraved Quaich.
Chief's Circle donors can have their names inscribed in stone and Patrons and Life Guardians can have their names written into registers
held in the Castle for public viewing. In the future, when descendants of these donors visit Duart and see the names on display,
they will feel great pride in their ancestors who adopted the spirit of Sir Fitzroy who said in 1912 that he "restored Duart for my family, the Clan".